Mrs. Su Lin ONG
Mrs Su Lin Ong, aged 63, is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors and holds a BA (Hons) Economics degree from the UK. Su Lin has 37 years of professional experience in audit and advisory. She trained as a Chartered Accountant in London with Deloitte, Haskins & Sells where she worked for 8 years before joining Coopers & Lybrand (which subsequently became PwC) in Mauritius as a Partner in the Consulting Division. She was a Partner in DCDM Consulting (local partner of Accenture), specialising in digitalisation and systems integration and a Director at KPMG Advisory Services, specialising in internal audit and risk management. She is a past President of the Society of Chartered Accountants in Mauritius. Since November 2019, she sits as an Independent Non-Executive Director on several Boards in Mauritius in the following industries - banking, insurance and hospitality. She is Chairperson of the Audit Committee at MOROIL and at the other companies where she is a Board Director.
Tropical Paradise Co Ltd
Les Moulins de la Concorde Ltée