Announcement – Appointment to the board of directors
Announcement – Appointment to the board of directors

Upon the recommendation of the Corporate Governance, Remuneration and Ethics Committee, the Board approved the appointment of Mr. Jacques du Mee as Independent Non-Executive Director on May 12, 2023. His appointment will be ratified at the next Annual Meeting of the Company.
Jacques du Mée, aged 63, is a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW) with more than 25 years of experience. He has built his career spanning the profession and industry and gained experience in several countries. He was responsible for a large portfolio of clients comprising large local institutions and global business companies. Jacques started in 1982 at Coopers and Lybrand in UK where he gained auditing and tax experience. In 1986, he moved to the then known as De Chazal Du Mée where he enhanced his tax experience. He was also involved in the audit of World Bank funded projects in Zaire and Rwanda. In 1990, Jacques had a brief spell at ESSO Mauritius Limited as Chief Accountant and Company Secretary. He later joined Kemp Chatteris, which was a Member Firm of Deloitte & Touche in Mauritius, as Tax Manager, a role he assumed for 2 years. He left the profession to join Mauritius Tuna Fishing and Canning Enterprises Ltd as Finance Manager and rose to the position of Chief Operating Officer. Thereafter, he moved to Australia where he occupied positions as Accountant and Financial Controller during 1999-2001. He returned to Mauritius and was appointed the Financial Controller at Ireland Blyth Limited Tourism Division. He renewed his ties with Deloitte Mauritius in 2002 as Partner in the Audit and Assurance service line. In 2012, Jacques took over the leadership of Deloitte Mauritius as Managing Partner. Some of the major clients that he was engaged with are: IBL Group, UBP Group, Club Med, Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd, SBM Group, Afrasia Bank Limited, CIEL Textile Group, Lafarge (Mauritius) Cement Ltd, Premix Concrete Ltd, Citco (Mauritius) Ltd, DTOS Ltd, COROI (Maurice) Ltd, Illovo Group, J.Kalachand & Co Ltd and Gamma Civic Group.